Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute

Prosserman Centre for Population Health Research


Computational and Analytical Tool



Ref (PMID)


CelL sEletion viA aDaptivE Reweighting

Method to subset cells aiming to capture rare cell types with the goal of creating more balanced datasets. Leader requires a processed seurat object with gene expression data and an optional marker file specifying known marker genes for known cell types.

Nat Commun, 2024
INTEGRAL-Radiomics Radiomics analysis to predict pulmonary nodule malignancy using machine learning approaches Thorax, 2024


R language statistical function package for jointly modelling time-to-event and probability of being event-free. The Firth-type penalized likelihood approach was introduced as an alternative to the MLE approach, to handle heavily censored data with imbalanced categorical covariates Statistics in Medicine, 2023


Lung Cancer Absolute Risk Models for Mortality in an Asian Population using the China Kadoorie Biobank

J Natl Cancer Inst., 2022

Astir Automated inference of cell identity from single-cell multiplexed imaging and proteomics  Cell Systems, 2021

Characterization of direct and/or indirect genetic associations for multiple traits in longitudinal studies of disease progression with application to diabetes complications

MedRxiv, 2021

Two-phase sample selection strategies for design and analysis in post-genome-wide association fine-mapping studies with application to lipids in the Northern Finland Birth Cohort

Statistics in Medicine, 2021


Family Age-at-Onset Data Simulation and Cancer Risk Estimation: Simulation and analysis of time-to-event outcomes for various family designs

J. Statistical Software, 2021

rareBF Performs region-based testing of rare variants in case-control design Biometrics, 2021


Simulation of genetic variants according to the 1000 Genomes haplotypes

BMC Bioinformatics, 2019


The scalable Birth-Death MCMC Algorithm for Mixed Graphical Model Learning with Application to Genomic Data Integration.



Region-based GWAS by Multiple linear combination regression with constraints. Performs genome-wide region-based association testing of common and low-frequency variants with quantitative and binary (case-control) traits, in concert with bigLD/gpart software: human genome partitioning and visualization of high-density SNP data by identifying haplotype blocks. Application to lipids traits in the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging

Genet Epidemiol., 2017

Bioinformatics, 2018

Bioinformatics, 2019

Genetic Epidemiol., 2022


Penalized multinomial logistic regression: Performs sparse data logistic regression for general categorical outcomes under a penalized likelihood, including LR test statistics and profile likelihood confidence interval construction

BMC Proc., 2016

Stat Med., 2007


Bayesian Analysis of GWAS data:

Performs multi-SNP analysis in the context of GWAS and fine-mapping studies

Ann Appl Stat., 2016

BRsquared Plug-in

Performs bootstrap bias reduction for effect estimation under the Cox proportional hazards time-to-event model

Genet Epidemiol., 2015

Stat Med., 2011

Hum Genet., 2011

FrailtyPack General Frailty Models: Shared, Joint and Nested Frailty Models with Prediction- Two functions developed by our group: a) Joint model analysis of recurrent and terminal events in family setting; b) Rare variant analysis in family setting.

Comput Methods Program Biomed. 2005